
August 17, 2016

Updated ICNDT Guide and Recommendations for Qualification and Certification of NDT Personnel

The competence of those carrying out NDT is an essential pre-requisite for the achievement of quality and reliability. Qualification and Certification of NDT personnel in accordance with International Standards such as ISO 9712 (Non-destructive testing – Qualification and certification of personnel) and aligned standards helps to ensure that people are competent and assists global business and safety standards.

The ICNDT, with a track record of 45 years in international co-operation in NDT, is dedicated to supporting best practice in the implementation of these standards and to this end has published its 'Guide and recommendations for qualification and certification of NDT personnel according to ISO 9712'.

The original Guide was published in June 2004 at the 16th WCNDT in Montreal, based on a first draft produced by Mr G Nardoni. The first update was approved for publication at the 17th WCNDT in Shanghai. The next version was published to coincide with the 18th WCNDT in Durban and the agreements in ISO and CEN to unify ISO 9712 and EN 473 in a new standard ISO 9712, published in 2012. This version (2016) reflects updates in the ICNDT international Multilateral Recognition Agreement (MRA). ICNDT updates this document periodically and will provide the latest version here. Users are strongly advised to check that they have the latest version of this document and the referenced standards. Comments and suggestions are welcome and should be sent to the ICNDT secretariat.

Click here to download the latest version.